Friday 27 October 2017

NCR Article

An article in the National Catholic Register 
on the making of

EWTN's The Message of Fatima

It is now more important than ever that Catholics evangelise through the media. For during the last few years we can see a trend the breakdown of the natural moral order. Every month, week, day even we hear of some new social innovation. Yet more LGBT 'rights' and promotions in the Main Stream Media that attack the natural order, many good people are being brainwashed through the media into accepting sexual practises that are plainly out of sync with creation. They say we should keep the Pope and the Church out of the bedroom! However, they do not say the same about Satan and his cohorts?

At the start of the 3rd part of the Secret

Sill from EWTN's The Message of Fatima

K.V. Turley
Please see below for a link to an article by Catholic journalist K.V. Turley on the making of EWTN's The Message of Fatima mini-series. I met him for a brief interview at a London station soon after the series won the television category at the Polish International film festival KSF Niepokalana 2017. This is all very helpful and backs up our work, for I believe we should use the media, especially film and TV more to engage in the battle to save souls and make Catholicism "cool" again. 

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Trailer for Episode 8

EWTN's The Message of Fatima
The First Saturdays Devotion

Here is the trailer for Episode Eight, the last episode of EWTN's the Message of Fatima. We follow the life of Lucia after she left Fatima and became a nun. She would faithfully carry the message of Fatima to the world and when requested by her superiors and when heaven allowed would write of the apparitions. She would have further apparitions from both Our Lady and Our Lord.

She became a Dorothean nun and was given the First Saturdays Devotion to spread in the world, she was also tasked to ask the Pope in union with all the bishops of the world to make the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Message of Fatima - Film Festival Success

Film Festival Success

32 KSF Niepokalana 2017 Film Festival Poland

EWTN's The Message of Fatima has won first prize in the TV Programmes category at the KSF Niepokalana 2017 International Film Festival in Warsaw Poland.

There were 220 programs submitted for this prestigious festival in eight categories for which The Message of Fatima won the Television section.

The Message of Fatima continues on EWTN with the next episode "The Miracle of the Sun" to be broadcast on the 13th October.